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We interview people who "get" infertility, including those who walk through it, and those who walk alongside them.

Sarah's Laughter is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit public charity that provides Christian support for those struggling with infertility or child loss. For more information about Sarah's Laughter, please visit our website at Thank you.

Nov 12, 2018

Sandy realized that God wanted to do more with her infertility than give her a baby. This is her story.

You can follow her on Instagram at:


For more about Sarah’s Laughter, please visit our website at Our podcast-only site is You...

Nov 5, 2018

Infertility usually specializes in unpleasant surprises. But for Kyndall, infertility has been a catalyst for courage, hope, and a healthy relationship with God. This is her story.


For more about Sarah’s Laughter, please visit our website at Our podcast-only site is

Oct 29, 2018

Danielle—emotionally, physically, and financially—felt “like a zombie.” Her husband told her, “I hate coming home because I feel like I don’t know who I’m coming home to.” But one day he brought home a baby bird—and everything changed. This is her story.

Danielle’s blog:

Oct 22, 2018

Alexis knew she needed help. The pain of infertility and loss had become debilitating. The sight of a pregnant belly instantly produced tears. So Alexis went to a counselor. A counselor who—we can’t make this stuff up—was pregnant. This is her story.


For more about Sarah’s Laughter, please visit our website...

Oct 15, 2018

Krystal’s infertility struggle had consumed her thought life with bitterness and envy. She didn’t choose this heartache. Could she choose her response to it? This is her story.


For more about Sarah’s Laughter, please visit our website at Our podcast-only site is