Feb 12, 2018
On her first date with her future husband, Jessica expressed her heart for adoption, telling him, “If this isn’t okay with you, then we probably shouldn’t go on another date.” This is her story.
You can visit Jessica's blog at gracewhilewewait.com, and follow her on instagram at @gracewhilewewait.
For more about Sarah’s Laughter, please visit our website at sarahs-laughter.com. Our podcast-only site is podcast.sarahs-laughter.com. You can follow us on social media linked here: Sarah’s Laughter on Facebook & Instagram, and @sarahs_laughter & @jasonforbus on Twitter.
Sarah’s Laughter also holds the Baby Steps Fun Run, where we give away a $10,000 grant for expenses related to either adoption or fertility treatment. We also partner with local SART-listed fertility clinics to give away IVFs at the event. Check babystepsfunrun.com for details and schedule.
Sarah’s Laughter is a 501(c)(3) non-profit public charity. If you’d like to help support what we do, including this podcast, please visit sarahs-laughter.com/give. Thank you.
Want to share your infertility story on this podcast? Email us at podcast@sarahs-laughter.com